Thank you to our very own member and Past President, Dwight Seeley, for providing our club with an important and educational presentation on Medicare.
Dwight has 30+ years in employee benefits and health insurance-related fields. He is the former Executive Vice President for the Sequent Midwest Business Health Fund which provided health insurance to over 1,200 employees and their families from over 120 small businesses in Central Ohio. While in this role, working with the Ohio Department of Insurance and involving Chambers of Commerce across the state, he led a successful effort to change the Ohio Revised Code to allow Chambers and 501.C.9 Trusts to operate Multiple Employer Welfare Plans in Ohio.
Dwight is the founder of the Seeley Group which offers Medicare Consulting to individuals who are eligible for Medicare. Dwight currently serves on the Board of Trustees for the Ohio Chamber Health Benefit Plan and is a member of the National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals, formerly known as the National Association of Health Underwriters.
Dwight and his wife, Pam, live in Dublin where they have lived for 20+ years and raised two children...both of whom have left the nest.
More photos are available on our Flickr photo website.