Our guests were Deb Papesh and Melissa Bogner who are on the board of the Dublin Education Foundation.
Deb holds an M.Ed in Early Childhood Education with a focus on Family Literacy. She was an adjunct professor at the Oklahoma City University and co-developed FILM: the Family Intergenerational Model which was approved as one of four national family literacy models in the 90’s. She currently also serves on the board for the Dublin Food Pantry. Deb lives in Dublin with husband Brian and has raised two daughters who graduated from DCS. Dr. Ashley Papesh Place of Legacy Family Dental and Hopewell Elementary teacher, Katie Papesh. Deb’s motto: Life is a Networking event… celebrate the simple and share the good!
Melissa is a graduate of Ohio University and spent 8 years in finance at Charles Schwab before deciding to stay home to care for her young children and become a community volunteer, advocate, and connector. Expanding her involvement and leadership from her children’s elementary PTO Board, Melissa became a member of the Dublin Education Foundation Board in 2020 giving her the opportunity to serve the entire DCS district. She enjoys boating and snow skiing with her husband Joe and three children, Taylor, Carter, and Charlie, and hosting spontaneous backyard gatherings with extended family, friends, and neighbors.
We also recognized Bob Rosenberg for his herculean efforts to obtain gift cards for the Polar Bear auction! Thank you Bob!! (photo on left bottom center).