This meeting featured Dr. Sarah K. Douglas with an update on Ukraine.
Dr. Sarah K Douglas obtained her MA from the Ohio State University in 2010 and her Ph.D. from OSU in 2015. Her specialties include military history, disease history, medieval European history, and world history. Dr. Douglas has served as a Fellow at the West Point Summer Seminar in Military History; she has received eight Ohio State College of Arts and Sciences and Department of History Awards/Fellowships; two research fellowships from the Mershon Center for International Security Studies; and she has been awarded four dissertation fellowships from the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation of Milwaukee. She has four peer-reviewed articles, two editor-reviewed articles, and one edited volume now in print, while her dissertation manuscript is going through the editorial process in preparation for publication. She is currently a Senior Lecturer at The Ohio State University, where she teaches various undergraduate courses covering topics from the Crusades to the Vietnam War. She also works as a Senior Lecturer at Norwich University, where she teaches graduate courses and advises Masters theses in both military history and global history.