ImageThis baseball game is different.  Nobody is ever out—although sometimes players will tell you somebody really was out. Every player gets to bat in every inning. At the end of every inning, the last player to bat always hits a home run.  The players alternate so that over time, everyone gets to hit a home run.  And at the end of each game, which always ends in a tie, everyone wins. 

These are some of the interesting ground rules of Miracle League, which was started with the idea that "every child deserves to play baseball."

Miracle League started five years ago to help the disabled play a game that many of them had only dreamed of playing. They are able to play because of the help of volunteers. A Buddy helps each player, assisting them to hold the bat, swing, and start on the bases.  The Buddy is also the personal cheerleader, encouraging and rewarding.

Buddies' duties vary, from full assistance for players needing support with mobility to offering guidance to players just learning the game. 

Being a buddy, as many Rotarians can attest from the club's 7 year association with Miracle League, is as rewarding as being a player.

You don't have to come to every game. Even one is wonderful. But usually when you come once to help, you will come back because helping somebody so deserving and appreciative gives you a huge share of their joy.

Above all, we are building friendships," said Christy. It is no surprise that Miracle League should have grown from 100 to 300 players in its seven years of existence.

Why not consider coming to Daree Fields to see the beautiful facility built by the City of Dublin and watch a game? You'll want to be a Buddy then! Visit for details or talk with Julie Rinaldi. You're likely to make a new friend.          

You can also sign up on Upcoming Events (left column). Julie has set up the dates for the Dodgers games (the unofficial Dublin AM Rotary team). Click on the dates you can be a "Buddy" and share in the fun.