Dublin AM Rotary Newsletter September 2024
Keep reading for a message from our president, recent event and meeting photos, club committee updates and upcoming meeting speakers.
As of September 2024, global efforts to eradicate polio are nearing the finish line, but challenges persist. Polio remains endemic in only two countries—Afghanistan and Pakistan—where limited access to healthcare and ongoing conflict makes eradication difficult. However, new outbreaks of vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV), particularly Type 2, have emerged in regions with low immunization rates, such as Gaza, exacerbated by issues with the ongoing conflict.
Path to Eradication
To declare the world polio-free, regions must remain free of the virus for at least three consecutive years without new cases. Although wild poliovirus has been largely contained, ongoing vaccination and surveillance efforts are essential to preventing the resurgence of VDPV. Health experts warn that if eradication efforts cease, polio could once again paralyze up to 200,000 children annually. Thus, while the world is closer than ever to eradicating polio, the situation underscores the need for continued vigilance, vaccination efforts, and international cooperation to finally eliminate the disease from all corners of the globe. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) has made significant progress, but the goal of eradicating polio by 2026 is now considered unreachable. The GPEI is preparing a strategy addendum with adjusted timelines, which will be available in the second half of 2024. Source: https://www.csis.org/analysis/global-polio-eradication-requires-counteracting-anti-un-anti-vaccination-forces
Rotary International and Gates Foundation Efforts
Rotary International continues to lead the charge against polio, having contributed over $2.1 billion and countless volunteer hours since the 1980s. Their partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which matches Rotary's fundraising efforts 2-to-1, remains a critical financial backbone. Together, they raise up to $150 million annually to fund immunization campaigns, disease surveillance, and operational support in polio-affected areas.
Our Call to Action 
We are planning activities to raise awareness for Polio+ and the 125 Club at an upcoming meeting. As you can tell, while we've made significant progress, much more work still needs to be done. For more on Rotary International's work to eradicate polio, see: https://www.endpolio.org/world-polio-day 
Yours In Rotary Service,
Gene Oliver
For a $1000 donation to the Rotary International Foundation, you can become recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF). You can make a one-time donation of $1000 and be awarded a PHF and recognition pin; or you can become part of a 4x4 group and pay $200 a year over 4 years ($800), our club pays $200, and then you receive your PHF and pin.  Each member of our club can participate nine times and receive a PHF pin each time.
Contributing to the "125 Club" also counts towards becoming a Paul Harris Fellow.  This fund raising event occurs in October.
Our club currently has 59 Paul Harris Fellows, 10 Benefactors, 87 Rotarian Donors, and 3 donations from non-Rotarians. Since the Dublin AM Rotary Foundation was started, we have given $390,890 to the International Rotary Foundation! This club is incredible! So giving and so generous.
If you would like to learn more and/or sign up to become a Paul Harris Fellow, please reach out to me at srobenalt@stratoswp.com.  I would love to help you learn about the opportunity that waits for you.
Yours In Rotary Service,
Susan Robenalt
Car Show Photos
Thank you to all the Rotarians who volunteered at the 2024 Dublin AM Rotary and Historic District Business Association Classic Car Show on Sunday, September 1. This event is an excellent opportunity to uplift the profile of Rotary in the community and raise funds for the Dublin AM Rotary Foundation.
Volunteers: Lou & Lyn Charobee, Amy Barnhart, Michael Darling, Ingrid & Bob Fields, Peter Georgiton, David Grubbs, Kaitlyn Gushue & Rotaract Members, Faye & Dick Herriott, Curt Hiser, Susanna Qiang Huang, Roberta Kayne, Andy Keeler, Jill Kranstuber, Ted Krouse, Wolf Lant, Scott Lewis, Halle Markwas, Ron & Janice Morgan, Dennis Muchnicki, Steve Newell, Gene Oliver, Trish Piliado, Erin Prescott, Steve Schmitt, Dan Schwegman, Dwight Seeley, Susan Robenalt, Jim Warburten, Rich Weber, John Williamson, Pat & Chuck Wille, and Bob Zedeker.
River Cleanup Photos
The Scioto River runs through Dublin, adding a very special element to our city's scenery and parks. Thank you to those who spent Saturday, August 17 participating in a litter cleanup along the river.
Volunteers: Wala Aitdjebavara, Jaden Cauter, Neha Dadhich, Michael Darling, Roberta Kayne, Andy Keeler, Taiba Khan, Halle Markwas, Aseel Musa, Laurie Reinbolt, Marcus Reinbolt, Daniel Schwegman, Preana Shivakumar, Luke Thomas, Zach Thomas, Claudia Trusty, and Vibhara Veerapram.
Congratulations to New Dublin Food Pantry Director
Dublin AM Rotary Club member Julie Erwin Rinaldi was recently named the new Executive Director of the Dublin Food Pantry!
Julie has long been committed to serving vulnerable members of the Dublin community, previously serving as the CEO of Syntero, from which she retired in July.
Congratulate Julie on her new role, then learn how you can support the pantry via volunteer opportunities here.
Thanks to the following who participated in Rotary group volunteer efforts at the Pantry in August: Bruce Andrews, Tarsem Garg, Faye Herriott, Bob Rosenberg, and Dawnya Yaykin.
Committee Updates
Community Services Committee

Meals-on-Wheels Weekly Delivery -

Dublin AM Rotary has committed to a Meals-on-Wheels delivery route in Dublin every Wednesday.  You will pick up meals at the Dublin Community Church at 10:30am and deliver to 3 or 4 homes.  The time commitment is about 1 hour.

Volunteers are needed for September 25, October 30, and November 13, 20, 27.

To register click here. For questions, contact Jill Kranstuber at (614) 315-9019.

Thank you to recent Meals-on-Wheels volunteers: Michael Darling, Jill Kranstuber, Jim Warburten, and Susan West.
Club Services Committee
  • Summer Soirée Perfect Party -Thanks to the planning committee led by Mike Isler and hosts Tim & Leslie Michaels for a wonderful event.  Photos are available here.
  • Dublin AM Rotary Weekly Meeting - GREETERS NEEDED - learn the names of your fellow club members and start their day with a smile. Greeters are still needed for October 11 and all of NovemberSign up here.
Thanks to our August Greeters: Barb Anderson, Susanna Qiang Huang, and Tim Michaels.
Youth Services Committee
Dublin Interact Clubs are gearing up with the start of the new school year! 
Incoming Interact officers spent a day in August at Camp Mary Orton exploring the high ropes course and being exposed to Leadership Training to help them in working with their club members this coming year.

Dublin Coffman Interactors are pictured below making dog toys to donate to Canine Collective rescue shelter.
 Meetings This Month
September 6 - Steve Stivers, Ohio Chamber of Commerce
September 13 - Dr. Hoch, OSU Marching Band
September 20 - Erin Canaday, Coffman Rock Shop - Coffee Shop
September 27 - Liz Ford, Ohio Medicaid Expansion 
See more future meeting topics on the Dublin AM Rotary website.
Meetings Last Month
August 2 - Jessica Rudolph, My Very Own Blanket
August 9 - Gary Baker, Rotary 6690 District Governor
August 16 - Rich Fletcher, Columbus Region & One Columbus
August 23 - Andy Beal, TrueSport and Auto Racing
August 30 - No Meeting
Learn more about previous meetings on the Dublin AM Rotary website.
Tim Redman
Pete Cushnie
Cindy Groeniger
Phil Yoder
Asch Mikhail
David Bentz
Kurt Brown
Marilee Chinnici-Zuercher
Paul Gydosh
Emmet Apolinario
David McKee
Luke Thomas
Margery Amorose
Frank Dilenschneider
Phil Yoder
Roberta Kayne
David Lundregan
President Elect
Past President
Vice President
Sgt at Arms
Club Services
Community Services
Youth Services
25 Years
25 Years
22 Years
21 Years
14 Years
10 Years
4 Years
September 4
September 5
September 9
September 15
September 16
September 21
September 25
September 28
September 29
September 29
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