Posted by Mike Isler on Feb 22, 2019
Womens Health Center Taking Shape at Dublin Methodist Hospital
Our guests today were Dr. Shannon Ho, Internal Fetal Medicine Specialist and Sherry Valentine, Director of Womens Health, from Dublin Methodist Hospital.  
Page Vornbrook introduced our guests and explained that the growth in the hospital since it opened 10 years ago has far exceeded expectations. Last year, 2,800 babies were born at Dublin Methodist, and over 14,000 babies have been born there overall.  It's projected that in the coming years, more than 4,000 babies will be born each year!
A 30,000 square foot addition is underway at the hospital to address the expanded requirements. As part of this expansion, a Womens Health Center is being opened.  Our own Bonnie Coley-Malir is chairing the committee that is raising awareness/funding for this center. 
The new center will offer outpatient services for women. Dr. Ho explained to us that pregnancy can create long-term risks to the health of the mother, leading to cardiovascular, diabetes and other long-term risks.