Thank you to the Dublin A.M. Rotary Club members and friends who volunteered to ring the red kettle bell to support the Salvation Army at Kroger locations in Dublin on Dec 7 and 14. Stop by to shop, share some cheer, and drop a contribution in the bucket.
Stay warm out there ringers - Trish Piliado x2, Bob Rosenberg, Dwight W. Seeley, James Warburton, Laurie Reinbolt, Claudia Mann Trusty, Roberta Kayne, Erin Prescott, Julie Erwin Rinaldi x2, Gene Oliver x2, Cindy Steinbrick Groeniger, Susan West, Jack Curtis, Scott Lewis, Ronald Morgan, Janis Morgan, Calvin Gebhart x2, Michael Shuchter, Nathan Shuchter, Dennis Muchnicki, Mike Isler, John Susie, Cap Clegg, Jeffrey Schoener, Sara Harrison-Mills, Maddy Andrews, Clay Horvath, Jaden Carter, Lou Charobee, Bonnie Coley-Malir, David Williamson, Nate McCormick, Andres Pagniano, and Rolly Ragniano.