Guest Speaker: Deepa Biswas
Together with: Mohan’s wife Geeta and his daughter Anjana
Mother Teresa, was actually one of her elementary school teachers!
Deepa is an active Rotarian and served as the District Governor for Rotary District 5240 in 2010-2011. She is the Past President of the Rotary Club of Santa Ynez Valley, was named the Rotarian-of-the-Year during her year as President, and has been the winner of many humanitarian awards including the winner of Santa Barbara’s ‘Gutsy Gals You Inspire Me Award’ in 2013! She was one of the “Women of Action” Honoree at the White House in 2014; Time Now – Global Amazing Indian awardee from the Times of India in 2015; and one of three Inspiring Women of Action at World Bank’s celebration of International Women’s Day in Washington DC, 2016.
A tribute to Rotarian of the Year Mohan Viddam and the philanthropy he did personally and through our Dublin AM Rotary club. Mohan helped organize the construction of over a dozen water treatment plants in India, developed a program to train veterans on software testing at Halcyon IT, and always looked for additional ways to help people. We’ll be joined by Mohan’s wife Geeta and his daughter Anjana and special guest PDG Deepa Biswas who is also the founder of PACE Unlimited. PACE is a girl’s school in India that with Mohan’s and Dublin AM’s contributions, we helped them build a new wing in the school for vocational training.